Do you need to fuel your businesses growth? With the solutions available in the cloud, it’s now easier to do. By modernizing your enterprise resource planning capabilities, you’ll find the insights you need to empower employees and optimize your operations. At Kirkpatrick Consult Limited, we know this isn’t an easy task, that’s why we’re here to help. We have the knowledge and experience you need to make the transition in record time. Contact us today to learn how we can help.
Modernize your ERP Operations Finance
About the Author: AidanKP
Aidan is the director and founder of Kirkpatrick Consult Limited. He graduated with a Bachelors degree with honours in Mechanical engineering before becoming a Certified Microsoft Professional and subsequently achieving a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and Qualified Teacher Status. Aidan has been designing, coding, implementing and training on IT Solutions for over 20 years.