As the global crisis of COVID-19 begins to abate, Microsoft is working closely with education systems around the world to support transitions to the next stage of schooling. This document outlines how the new technologies implemented during the crisis can continue to be used to support transitions back to school and to improve and reimagine schooling going forward. Most countries will continue working towards full connectivity distance learning readiness during the transition back to school to ensure all students have connected devices for seamless learning. These efforts will ensure all students can participate in distance and hybrid learning should school closure be necessary again.
Leadership and policy guide for system leaders
About the Author: AidanKP
Aidan is the director and founder of Kirkpatrick Consult Limited. He graduated with a Bachelors degree with honours in Mechanical engineering before becoming a Certified Microsoft Professional and subsequently achieving a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and Qualified Teacher Status. Aidan has been designing, coding, implementing and training on IT Solutions for over 20 years.