According to Harvard Business Review, 99% of businesses surveyed reported they intend to implement big data analytics and AI in the near future. On the flipside, only around 30% have succeeded. This article makes a case for accelerating plans to integrate big data analytics and AI into business practices. With the Microsoft Azure cloud, Kirkpatrick Consult Limited helps turn plans into action by using Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Dynamics to gain the deep data insights needed to spark innovation and growth.
Five Ways Big Data Can Help Your Business Succeed
About the Author: AidanKP
Aidan is the director and founder of Kirkpatrick Consult Limited. He graduated with a Bachelors degree with honours in Mechanical engineering before becoming a Certified Microsoft Professional and subsequently achieving a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and Qualified Teacher Status. Aidan has been designing, coding, implementing and training on IT Solutions for over 20 years.